Friday, August 5, 2011

How to Pour The Perfect Glass Of Wine

By Elena Finch

To pour the perfect glass of wine you must take a number of steps:

Temperature Of The Wine:

The temperature at which a wine is served makes an immense impact on its taste. Serving wine while cool will mask a few flaws which is good for younger or cheaper wines. Nevertheless, a warmer wine temperature allows a more full expression of the wine's characteristics which is favourable when serving an an older or more costly wine.

A bottle of wine will cool at about 2 C (4 F) for every 10 mins in the refrigerator, and it will warm at about this same rate when removed and left at room temperature. Obviously, the temperature of the room will affect the speed with which the wine warms up. In the event you need to chill a bottle of wine rapidly, 35 minutes in the freezer will do the trick. Just do not forget to take the bottle out!

Decanting The Wine:

Decanting is pouring wine into a container prior to serving. Decanting is usually only required with older wines or Ports, which contain sediment that can add bitterness to the wine.

Wine decanters may enhance the flavour of older red wines.

Younger wines also take advantage of the aeration that decanting offers. Obviously, a wine decanter might also be utilized simply for aesthetic reasons.

Before decanting a wine which contains sediment, permit the bottle to rest upright allowing any sediment to sink to the bottom. Then gradually pour the wine into the decanter keeping the bottle angled to ensure that no sediment makes its way into the decanter. The wine may be poured through cheesecloth to help in filtering out any unwanted particles. Decanting wine ought to be done out of sight of any visitors.

Pouring The Wine:

Still wines ought to be poured towards the center of the glass, while sparkling wines should be poured against the side, like a beer, so that unwanted bubbles don't turn up.

To control drips, one can twist the bottle slightly while tilting it up-right. When pouring wine, glass ought to be filled no more than two-thirds. This may allow guests to swirl the wine and smell the bouquet. A glass can always be refilled if preferred. Of course, serve wine to the ladies and older guests first, then the men and end with your own glass.

Types of Wine Glasses:

As important as serving temperature is the kind of glass in which wines are served. The shape of a wine glass can impact the taste of the wine, and for this reason different types of wine are served in particular glasses. The 3 main kinds of wine glasses are as follows:

White wine glasses : shaped like a tulip

Red wine glasses : rounded with large bowl

Sparkling wine flutes : tall and thin

A suitable all-purpose wine glass should hold about ten ounces and be transparent to allow the taster to check the color of the wine as well as its body Furthermore, it should have a slight curve in at the top to hold in the bouquet. Whilst an all-purpose wine glass is fine for serving a red wine, make sure not to serve a white wine in a red wine glass.

To find out more on wine just go to

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