Thursday, August 18, 2011

Get Natural With Farm To Table Austin

By Dorothy Dixon

The industrialization of farming and raising livestock has had a huge impact on the food culture of today. Production is at an all time high and with the boom in fast food restaurants, you can eat whenever you want without spending a lot of money. What is lost with this system, however, is a base appreciation of food itself as more than just a quick meal. The slow food movement is embodied at farm to table Austin.

This is because, rather than shipping in ingredients from all over the world, these chefs confine themselves to what is in the immediate vicinity. The less crops and livestock has to travel, the smaller the carbon footprint and the better the flavor.

With industrial farm and livestock operations, as well as a steady import of crops from all over the world, today's shopper can get cheap ingredients year round. What happens with this set up, however, is that harvested vegetables are picked before reaching their optimum ripeness so that they can mature during transport.

This restaurant gets all of its ingredients from local farmers and livestock growers. Waiting for fruits and vegetables to ripen properly before picking, and growing them in smaller quantities, increases their quality and flavor exponentially.

Also, these foods are much more varied than what you find at the average store. Eating here can open your palate to a number of different foods. Seasonal eating is another aspect that differentiates this restaurant from others.

Through imports, consumers today can get whatever they want, no matter the time of year. It was almost unheard of a few decades ago to find strawberries during the winter, but today you can get them throughout the year. Taking a moment to really experience the tastes, however, will point out how different the flavors are.

Also, this business structure supports local farmers and ranchers. Having more access to smaller operations will increase the number of people that can experience better quality foods.

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