Friday, August 5, 2011

Bottled Water Vs Tap Water Debate

By Jeff Stevens

People nowadays are still in much discussion in picking the right choice between tap water and bottled water. Questions arise on safety, cleanliness, and cost. Many tend to ask also if buying bottled water is worth it. Others tend to check on the safety of tap water.

It is common knowledge that 20 years ago, people opt for tap as drinking water. But things took a different turn when we got ideas that we could be drinking unsanitized water so people started patronizing bottled water instead. But some tap water proponents promote that tap water is more beneficial. But before we get confused, let take a look into some information that will clear this matter.

It is no longer surprising why bottled water are bought these days for drinking purposes. Aside from ensuring its safe content, brands have also provided ideas that buying water is much convenient and health-wise. It is true that bottled water is much preferred to be carried around over some containers filled with tap water. Since sanitation plays a vital role in drinking water, bottled water which goes through series of filters and tests are deemed cleaner and safe. This is different than just using cups and glasses for tap water. At times, unwashed containers may lead to bacteria growth and endanger the one using it. You can ask any person and let him choose between the two and the obvious answer will fall on the bottled water being safe to drink. That's why for many people either at home or in the workplace, have opted for bottled water for their drinking purposes.

Tap water is free and that is its great advantage over the bottled water. For regular drinkers of tap water, there's no need to pay for water which is enjoyed by many. What made it more interesting is that some researches show that tap water is also as clean as the one found in bottles. Furthermore, tap water contains fluoride which is essential on healthy teeth. Several scientific reports have proved this that's why many bottled water companies also featured fluoride as addition to their water products to even out competition with that of tap water. The benefits that tap water offers have been familiar that's why it is much preferred by some people over paying bottled water which does not really contain any health benefits.

The choice of installing water filter in our tap system is also one good reason why some people practice it. Filters remove unnecessary debris that usually goes along with our tap water. A healthy-conscious person will make this as a habit to ensure safety in what he drinks.

There seems to be no perfect answer when looking into the best option for drinking water. For those who want to save, drinking water from the tap is a good choice. But for those who are always on the go, the convenience of a bottled drinking water is a great choice.

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