Monday, September 5, 2011

How To Dehydrate Fruit

By Marjorie J McDonald

Fruit can be one of the tastiest foods to dehydrate and allows you to buy extra at the best time of the season so you have got the fruit when the harvesting season in your location is over. Regularly the dehydrated fruit is better than the fresh fruit. It also lets you have the choice of having the fruit without needing to stress about if it might spoil before it is possible to get it eaten.

Try these 5 most popular dehydrator choices for fruit you can fix in the environment of your apartment and you will have delicious snacks for yourself and your family.

Fruit Rollups also occasionally also called Fruit Leathers

You will find you will be able to have a choice to use just about any sort of fruit. Puree the fruit and add a choice of lemon juice, honey, cinnamon or nutmeg. Spread out the puree on the dehydrator tray and dry the mix for 8-20 hours depending on thejuice content in the fruit. At 1400C. Take off the finished fruit cut into strips or squares and roll it.

Banana Chips

This lets you utilise your quickly ripening bananas and keep them from further spoiling. Cut the bananas into one fourth inch thick slices and soak them in lemon juice. Dehydrate the fruit at 1500C for 24 hours before getting them out of thedehydrator trays.


Do you like raisins? If you do then you can prepare them yourself. Go to the produce section at your local market and see what you can use to make a choice of raisins or crasins. It is a fun way to get a mixture of flavors by selecting cranberries, blueberries, red grapes, green grapes, concord grapes or the dark purple grapes. Just put the grapes or berries on a tray in your dehydrator to remove the juice.

Dried Peaches or Apricots

Dried peaches or apricots are actually sweet. You can make them by peeling them, removing the pit, cutting them in half and then cutting them. Dry them under 1350C for 20 hours till they become pliable.

Trail Mix

For a delectable yet tasty treat why not think to try trail mix Just mix together a choice of coconut, kinds of nuts, apple chips and banana chips.

Do not forget to definitely clean and dry your food dehydrator when done using the unit as this could preserve it for a longer lengthy period and you will need to buy dehydrator trays less frequently.

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