Wednesday, September 28, 2011

How to Start an Online Catering Business?

By Allen Wilson

Opening a home-based catering business is a dream that everyone might have it.What better way to get your business known than through online means? Knowing how to set up an online catering business will allow you to take your home-based catering business to the next level. The internet can help you reach more potential customers which can also qualify to more profits for you.

First you should set up a website.Through this website you can let your customers take orders or book dates for your service. You have a choice of free or paid website set up services. Paid website hosting and services are much better but if you do not have the capital for that yet, you can set up a blog advertising your service instead. Wordpress, Blogger, and a slew of other blogging sites are available and its up to you to pick which one suits your needs. Once you have set up a site or blog for your online catering business, you may also want to include a merchant account so that you can accept payments and deposits online.

File for a business name and use it to open a business account in a bank. You just need to take care of the necessary papers and pay the fees to your local business registrar. Since you are already there, you can ask for additional requirements such as business license, and other taxes or licenses that needs to be taken care of. You will want to make sure that you are cleared from any legal liabilities early on.

Advertising in person is very important.Take samples of your food to local event gatherings, conventions, even PTA meetings. It is important that people get a first hand taste of the menu and dishes that you offer to make a good impression on them and get your catering business known. Online advertising is great, but it is still word of mouth that is the most effective form of advertising. If you can combine the 2, then you will reach a lot more potential customers for your business.

You could advertise your catering business by online means as well.You can join catering forums and advertise your business through these avenues. You can also get your website or blog listed to online directories. There are both free and paid directory services and it won't hurt to try both means.Take advantage of the fad today. Utilise your Facebook, Multiply, or MySpace accounts to advertise your business. These social networking sites allow businesses to advertise through their sites so as long as you are working within the bounds of their terms of use. Social networking sites reach more potential customers and the good thing about this is that you can get your friends in your social networking account to advertise and spread the word about your business for you.

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