Sunday, September 4, 2011

Energy Drink Dangers - Looking For A Far Healthier Replacement To Vitality Refreshments

By Welch Hagerty

With the growing popularity of energy drinks over the recent years, there has additionally been increasing concern over energy drink dangers. Fitness drinks have been especially popular beverage choices because they claim to give consumers what many of them most need--an added boost of energy to get thru the day.

With all of the busy activities and daily demands, peoples energy levels regularly run low and fatigue is determined. Often, a little of jolt of energy is all that's wanted to survive the day, and these energy drinks offer this boost.

But you know what? There are actually lots of better and healthier ways to get that required extra jolt of energy without the risks of energy drink dangers and in this piece we intend to explore the many drinks or liquids that you can use to get that required extra jolt of energy you need.

Juice From Fresh Fruits And Vegetables

Everyone knows the numerous benefits that we can get from vegetables and fruit but did you know that ingesting the fruit and veg in its juice form can really give us the maximum amount of nutrients that that certain fruit of vegetable can give us?

Juicing fruits and vegetables are actually a crucial aspect in a juice fast as the juice fasting plan actually revolves around the theory of drinking fresh vegetable and fruits juices instead of eating the common meals you eat daily.

A juice feast of a juice feasting plan won't just cleanse your body it will also give you the energy and nutrient elements that you're going to need to function daily.

Wheatgrass Drink

This drink is basically gaining in popularity fast nowadays. Wheatgrass contain loads of alkaline minerals that helps revive alkalinity and neutralise acid production in the body.

One of the main benefits of wheatgrass is that it's a natural source of anti-oxidating compounds which helps mend damaged cells, reinvigorate ageing cells, tighten loose and drooping skin. Wheatgrass juice is good for skin conditions and improves complexion, treats acne, and removes acne scars.

It also energises and decreases fatigue, because the juice is instantly soaked up into the bloodstream and gives immediate energy.

Low Calorie Smoothies

Low calorie smoothies are straightforward to make using a single fruit or by combining a few fruits or vegetables and fruit.

It is amusing to try experimenting with the numerous flavours and you'll very quickly begin to notice the advantages for your well-being. Making smoothies at home in your smoothie maker is a very delicious way of making certain a sufficient intake of fruit and veg in our diets. You can also use this as a substitute for apple juice.

Low fat, low calorie smoothies make a delicious, guilt-free snack that can be enjoyed at any point of day - whether we are endeavoring to shed weight or not.


Last although not the least, the drink that we see everywhere but we pay no attention to.

In the event you did not know, water is essentially called the healthiest drinks in the world, not only will it quench our thirst and also has numerous health benefits that most individuals are ignorant of.

The better part about water is that not only is it typically available but it is also calorie free unlike many drinks available nowadays. It can also help in cleansing the entire body and flushes out dangerous poisons from the system.

Another important thing you will need to understand about water is that it can essentially help in weightloss by suppressing a person's appetite. Increasing the consumption of water can help cut fat deposits in the body.

As you can see there are a ton of different things that will help you to energise without the need to open yourself to energy drink dangers.

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